WebCatalog Desktop for Windows
Turn websites into desktop apps with WebCatalog Desktop, and access a wealth of exclusive apps for Mac, Windows. Use spaces to organize apps, switch between multiple accounts with ease, and boost your productivity like never before.
Improve your workflow with desktop apps and spaces
Say goodbye to the frustration of juggling multiple browser tabs! With WebCatalog Desktop, you can easily turn your favorite web apps into streamlined, focused desktop apps that help you improve your workflow and boost your productivity. Enjoy a distraction-free, seamless experience that lets you focus on what matters most.
Additionally, WebCatalog Desktop lets you manage, organize and group multiple accounts and apps with spaces so you can stay signed-in to everything without switching browsers.
Privacy protection
Run websites in isolated environments and get protected from cross-website trackers.
Multi-account login
Manage and switch between multiple accounts and apps easily without switching browsers.
Manage and organize multiple accounts and apps with spaces
Cloud backup & sync
Sync apps, games, spaces and settings across all your computers.
Menu bar (tray) apps
Attach web apps to menu bar (tray) for quick access with keyboard shortcuts.
System integration
Set app as default email client, arrange windows, control notifications and more!
App lock
Use passwords or Touch ID to lock apps when you're not at your desk.
Ads & tracker blocker
Block ads, stop trackers from accessing your personal data, and speed up websites.
Custom apps
Discover thousands of apps in our catalog or create custom apps from any websites.